Light and Shite

Version 0.1

A simple CSS style with features I found lacking in other lightweight CSS stylesheets


How to use it

Download it from the Github repo and link it in your html <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.min.css">.


This whole page is built with light and shite. Here's some stock text to demonstrate:


Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Base Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut faucibus, augue sed vestibulum porttitor, lorem mi accumsan nisl, vitae tempor nulla dolor non turpis. Sed gravida augue id ullamcorper convallis. Aenean iaculis risus sit amet dui efficitur, sit amet dignissim purus fringilla. Suspendisse vel ante eget metus hendrerit porttitor sed sed velit. Phasellus vitae consectetur tortor. Morbi accumsan urna iaculis nisi rutrum, in pharetra enim cursus. Maecenas quis nisl mauris.

Yr banh mi jean shorts wolf narwhal. Hashtag bicycle rights cronut, sint gastropub ipsum narwhal schlitz godard heirloom in bitters minim. Live-edge kinfolk squid in leggings, you probably haven't heard of them dreamcatcher adipisicing mollit tbh neutra ramps chicharrones minim. Mollit lyft pabst wolf blog pariatur, put a bird on it edison bulb occaecat next level. Vinyl ex celiac, est in asymmetrical 90's trust fund elit incididunt narwhal ad meh excepteur. Humblebrag eu pug, shaman dolor fashion axe pok pok vice single-origin coffee affogato. Shoreditch freegan organic cloud bread.

Seitan tempor fam eu, cronut +1 poutine fugiat sunt. Try-hard photo booth prism consequat, franzen distillery ugh iPhone irure veniam sriracha nostrud skateboard synth. Et selfies mustache +1 blue bottle readymade. Pour-over pabst anim, cillum single-origin coffee pickled small batch franzen +1 adipisicing esse. Dolore voluptate 3 wolf moon, pabst wolf excepteur hoodie listicle adipisicing officia eu succulents nulla. Aliqua ullamco cillum pok pok gentrify 3 wolf moon four dollar toast twee. Ut minim flannel lorem, austin locavore taiyaki wolf labore tempor PBR&B pariatur craft beer.

Other text styles



Code tags

A simple <code> tag, ideal for a single line or smaller
# Larger blocks of code should be surrounded by <pre>
          void kernel_halt(void)
            	pr_emerg("System halted\n");


What about ...?

What about tables, buttons, forms, icons, alerts, progress bars, badges, quotations, jumbotrons, dropdowns, etc.? Well I don't need them or want them. I guess that's why it's light and shite.


Distributed with a MIT License